There is strong evidence that myopia (short sightedness) is on the increase. A recent study has shown that the incidence of myopia in UK has doubled in the past fifty years. Apart from the inconvenience of having to wear glasses or contact lenses, higher degrees of myopia are associated with an increased risk of eye diseases like glaucoma and retinal detachment. Hence, vision scientists all over the world have been trying to find ways of stopping, or slowing down the progression of myopia.
There is good scientific evidence that two different types of contact lenses can be very effective in slowing down the progression of myopia in children and teenagers by around 50%. Hence, if a teenager was, say -2 myope at the outset, and his/her prescription would normally have increased three fold over a period of say five years before levelling off, he/she could potentially end up as -3.50 instead of -6.00! This is very exciting and has eye health, as well as vision implications. It has to be noted that the results are not guaranteed due to individual variations, but parents of children and teenagers concerned about their children becoming progressively more myopic are advised to consider these options.
The two different contact lens types are EyeDream lenses and multifocal soft lenses.
For further explanation on how these lenses work, and further information on myopia control, visit
You can also watch the video on EyeDream lenses for children on the ITV website.