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These are usually smaller than soft lenses and they are available to virtually any prescription including toric lenses to correct astigmatism and multifocal lenses. These lenses are also known as RGPs (Rigid Gas Permeable Lenses). They are newer generation hard lenses made of advanced plastics combined with other materials, such as silicone and fluoropolymers, which allow oxygen in the air to pass directly through the lens. For this reason, they are called gas permeable. Once fitted, they are normally replaced every year.

RGPs are sometimes the first lens of choice for particularly complex prescriptions which may not be available in soft lenses. The improvements in soft lenses in recent years, has seen a decline in RGP lenses and now only a few specialist opticians have extensive experience of fitting these lenses. At Shephard & Akay Optometrists, we have over 30 years of experience in fitting such lenses and often receive referrals from other opticians up and down the country.

They can need a longer period of adaptation than soft lenses. Although not as popular as soft lenses, gas permeable lenses are enjoying a degree of revival with the advent of new materials and designs. The comfort issues with small rigid lenses are greatly reduced with the new larger diameter lenses which can be as comfortable as soft lenses. They are particularly useful for people who are unable to get sharp vision with soft lenses due to high astigmatism or other factors limiting the visual potential of soft lenses.


These have a rigid gas permeable centre portion with a soft “skirt”. The idea is that they provide the crisp, clear vision of gas permeable lenses, with the comfort of soft lenses, and they can be very useful where soft lenses do not provide satisfactory vision, and the gas permeables are not comfortable enough.

We are accredited to fit Synergeyes family of hybrid lenses including Duette, ClearKone, and Ultrahealth lenses.



Ortho-K Lenses
Multifocal Lenses
Specialist Lenses
Extended Wear Lenses
Coloured Lenses
Two-Weekly and Monthly Disposable Lenses
Toric Lenses
Daily Disposable Lenses



Hearing Care


Sports & Safety Eyewear

Myopia Control

Lenses and Dispensing

OCT Scan


Eye Examination


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